Thứ Năm, 12 tháng 4, 2018


With the aim to create the environment for the pupils to use English confidently, on Saturday, April 7th , 2018, four schools in Trung-Nam-Tu-Thai group organized an English festival for primary pupils from grade 3 to grade 5.
The organization board was glad to welcome Mr. Le Viet Ha – Deputy Head of Vinh Linh Division of Education and Training, Mr. Nguyen Tu Duy – Official of Vinh Linh Division of Education and Training, all the teachers and nearly two hundred pupils from the four schools in the group.
After the music performance from pupils of Vinh Nam and Vinh Tu Primary school, Mr. Duong Vinh Bac – Principal of Vinh Thai Primary school, group’s leader gave a short but meaningful opening speech.
Mr. Duong Vinh Bac – Principal of Vinh Thai Primary school, group’s leader, gave an opening speech.
Each school in group held a school festival before and chose a team of five pupils from grade 3 to grade 5. Before join the three competition part, all the four teams greeted and introduce themselves. It could be seen that the pupils were rather confidently to talk in English in front of crowd. Some of them showed good expression and intonation.
Vinh Tu Team
Vinh Trung Team
Vinh Thai Team

Vinh Nam Team
The four teams took part in 3 parts of the festival: Drawing pictures, Pass the secret and Speaking.
In the first part, the pupils listened to a short text in which five details illustrated and then, drew a picture. This part aimed at English listening skill together with drawing skills. The children showed beautiful pictures after thirty minutes.

 In the second part, five members in each team stood in a line, from 1 to 5. the pupil number 1 received a piece of paper with 5 word phrases or statements. He/She whispered the information to the pupil number 2. Then the pupil number 2 whispered the information to the pupil number 3. The procedure continued to the pupil number 5. That pupil rewrote the information they heard in a paper. This activity required pupils’ reading comprehension skill, memorizing ability as well as writing skill.
 For the third part, each team took turn to choose a number of a picture inside the balloon on a tree. Then they had 5 minutes to build-up a short conversation about the picture. Each team had two turns to talk. Thanks to this activity, we could see how well they can make short conversations as naturally as possible.

After more than two hours, the festival ended in the joyfulness of the pupils and teachers. They did realize what they need to improve in their teaching and learning so that they could better their English skills. With the aim to enhance pupils’ interest in learning English, English festivals like this is going to be held in the next school years.
Mr. Duong Vinh Bac - Principal of Vinh Thai Primary school, group’s leader, gave the first prize for Vinh Nam Team

Ms. Nguyen Thi Lien – Principal of Vinh Nam Primary School, gave the second prize for Vinh Tu Team

Ms. Tran Thi Cam – Principal of Vinh Tu Primary School, gave the third prize for Vinh Thai and Vinh Trung Team
 Written by: Le Thi Mi Sa, teacher of English in Vinh Trung Primary and Secondary School 

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